Many SENDIST Appeals that affect special schools concern placement issues; for example, parental preference for a place at a school that is ‘full’. We will provide advice and information support, as well as specific, focussed assistance with all aspects of the Appeal process and preparation for Tribunal Hearings.

Whole School Training

We provide whole school training on the law and guidance about school placements. This helps to explain and understand how capacity and teaching pressures are viewed by the LA and SENDIST.

Tribunal Preparation

  • We will provide clarity about the relevant legal criteria
    explaining ‘suitability’, and ‘incompatibility with the efficient education of other pupils’
  • We advise on the completion of GB consultation forms
  • We provide initial advice on potential appeals
  • We can advise on the production of Witness Statements
    relevant information, specific year/class group, evidential documents etc.
  • We prepare relevant school staff for Tribunal experience
  • We will liaise with Local Authorities on their evidence collection
  • Where relevant, we can liaise with Local Authorities in advance of JADR Hearings
  • Where a Tribunal Hearing is adjourned, we can further advise on the case and next steps
  • In those cases, where necessary, we will assist in preparation of contingency plans if the school is to be named
    for example, what additional staffing and other resources that are required to support an additional pupil

Other appeals may concern the contents of the EHCP, other than placement. For mainstream schools there are also likely to be more appeals related to Local Authority decisions on Assessment and the Issuing of EHCPs. We provide support on all these issues.